Monday, March 3, 2008

ST. PATTY"S DAY MARCH 17TH, 2008 doors open @ 8PM

St. Patty's Day is here again. Notice how many bars and restaurants are trying to get mileage out of the holiday by celebrating it on the weekend? Who are they kidding? St. Patty's Day is St. Patty's Day, would you celebrate July 4th on a different day? Here is the crew, join us on Monday, March 17th. We are featuring tap Bud and Bud lights for $3.75 and our shotgirl is serving up shots for $4.00. Our girls are celebrating all month long wearing there lovely green gowns. Print out the pass for free admission (2 beverage minimum). Don't forget bachelor party season is upon us. Our female strippers and Hot Oil Wrestling show are the talk of Long Island for a great night out with the guys!